102 - 218
housing capacity
Allocated by Making Spaces for Growing Places
This is not a green belt area
Coal mining
Area affected by past coal-mining that may pose a risk of ground instability. It is likely that a planning application would need to be supported by a Coal Mining Risk Assessment.
This area is flood zone 1
Flood Risk Areas refer to the probability of flooding occurring on a site from sea and rivers.
Inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at highest risk (whether existing or future).
Flood zone 1 - land with a low probability of flooding from rivers or the sea
Flood zone 2 – land with a medium probability of flooding
Flood zones 3a & 3b – land with a high probability of flooding
Surface water flooding from rainfall events at differing intensities and frequencies is also a flood risk consideration.
Where appropriate, applications should be supported by a site-specific flood risk assessment. These areas are:
Data source for this information:
Gateshead Council Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)
Environment Agency
National Planning Policy Framework / National Planning Practice Guidance
How often is this data source updated?
Every time the Local Plan SFRA is updated.
NPPF and Environment Agency data are updated periodically.
Soil and groundwater contamination ground risk band III
This site has been rated as risk band III for soil and groundwater contamination.
Risk bands range from I to V, the higher the band the greater potential risk (read more about ground risk bands).
This rating is based on the following potential risks listed below:
Historic boreholes drilled at a site may act as a preferential pathway for rapid transport of contamination to groundwater.
Vertical or horizontal mine entrances (shafts, adits) may act as a preferential pathway for rapid transport of contaminants to groundwater.
Based on the hydrology, geology and soil properties within a single square kilometre around the site, the vulnerability of groundwater to pollutants discharged at ground level is considered to be medium to low.
Shows where surface water features sensitive to pollution may be present within the specified distance.
This area is not subject to tree preservation orders
Geotechnical ground risk band II
This site has been rated as risk band II for geotechnical hazards.
Risk bands range from I to V, the higher the band the greater potential risk (read more about risk bands).
This rating is based on the following potential risks listed below:
Past landfill sites, coal mining and chemical wastes that present a ground gas hazard may be present.
Area affected by burnt colliery ash, and chemical waste fill areas posing a risk of land instability and/or affecting the capacity of the ground to carry weight, affecting the design of building foundations.
Area affected by past coal-mining that may pose a risk of ground instability. It is likely that a planning application would need to be supported by a Coal Mining Risk Assessment.
Some types of ground can contain layers of very soft materials like clay or peat. These may compress if loaded by overlying structures, or if the groundwater level changes, potentially resulting in depression of the ground and disturbance of foundations.
Some types of ground may be susceptible to landslides or rockfalls.
This is not a conservation area
This area has no listed buildings
This site overlaps a wildlife corridor
Wildlife Corridors are a continuous network of sites which allows the movement of species though the landscape, including the urban area. They connect areas of habitat including designated sites and are critical for the continuation of viable populations. They are protected by council planning policy to control development which would adversely affect their functioning.
This is not an air quality management area
This website is intended to give an initial summary of potential risks on a site and cannot guarantee that the information is accurate, complete or up-to-date.
The information on the site is not a replacement for standard good practice risk-based assessment and investigation of sites or consultation with professional advisers, and does not provide the detailed information which would be required to accompany a planning application.
All liability or responsibility of the Council for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on the information on the site is expressly excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.